Literacy Narrative Segment

  • The Literacy Narrative

This segment took place in the beginning of the semester and exposed me to some narrative free writing. Slowly I got the hang of it, but I felt apart at many occasions. First and foremost the assignments before the first draft of the Literacy Narrative really helped build a foundation on what has to be done and what is expected in the assignment. Later on after reading the rubric, I decided to formulate my paper.

My first paper was all over the place, even though I felt like I did a good job, and I went over the page count in both the first draft and the final copy. I was trying to tell the story of how English affected me throughout my middle school and high school years. I handed my draft in, but I missed the peer review session, which I feel like was a huge reason my grade suffered and I missed on a great chance to address the rhetorical situation. Even though I got my Professor’s comments, which really helped me in formulating a better paper. I missed on a crucial part of the assignment which was dialogue. I tried using dialogue in my paper, but I could never get it to fit in. I feel like if I went to peer review and read my peer’s papers and listened to their feedback, I would have been able to insert some sort of dialogue in the paper. I learned many things throughout this segment, and it really helped in developing a stronger grip on the other segments.

  • Documents:
  1.   Literacy Narrative First Draft with Professor’s comments
  2.   Final Literacy Narrative Submission + Reflection
  3.   Final Professor’s Comments
  • Learning Goals:
  1. Learning Goal #1: Explore and analyze, in writing and reading, a variety of genres and rhetorical situations.
  2. Learning Goal #2: Develop strategies for reading, drafting, collaborating, revising, and editing.
  3.  Learning Goal #3: Recognize and practice key rhetorical terms and strategies when engaged in writing situations.